As-Salam. Inilah saat bagi anda melakukan sesuatu yang bermakna dalam hidup. Rakya Palestin terutama di Gaza sedang menghadapi kesulitan. Anda boleh membantu untuk mengurangkan penderitaan dan kesakitan mereka. Islamic Relief Malaysia telah melancarkan GEMA - Gaza Emergency Medical Aid, satu tabung untuk menampung kos perubatan bagi penduduk Gaza yang menjadi mangsa kekejaman Zionis.

Menerusi tabung GEMA ini, anda sebagai blogger dapat menyumbang bantuan perubatan untuk mereka yang cedera, kesakitan dan menjadi mangsa peluru serta bom pihak Zionis. Bayangkan dengan bantuan anda, luka yang berdarah dapat dihentikan, peluru yang menusuk tubuh dapat dikeluarkan, tangan yang putus dapat disambungkan .... dengan sumbangan anda, pihak IRM boleh membeli dan bekalkan bekalan perubatan kepada mereka.

Bayangkan senyuman yang mereka berikan setelah pembalut luka berharga RM10 dapat menghentikan pendarahan di tubuh mereka akibat terkena serpihan bom Zionis. Kecil sumbangan tetapi banyak maknanya.

Bantu IRM dan sumbang seikhlas hati di sini: Relief Appeals

Apa yang mereka buat dengan sumbangan anda? Dipetik dari laman web Islamic Relief Malaysia:

Islamic Relief is the leading humanitarian agency operating in Gaza. We’re rushing £1 million worth of medical supplies to hospitals and health clinics.

Hatem and his colleagues delivered the first of the new supplies on the evening of November 15. Without these vital supplies, the conflict threatens to exacerbate a chronic shortage of medical supplies. We’re appealing for £5 million to meet the urgent need for essential drugs and other equipment.

“For some time there has been a chronic shortage of medical supplies in Gaza, and we want to ensure that effective treatment can be given to those affected by the latest conflict, which is bound to exacerbate that shortage,” says Dr Mohammed Al-Sousi, Head of Islamic Relief’s Middle East region, who has just returned to the UK from Gaza.

“We are also calling for calm on both sides lest the conflict should escalate – the last war in Gaza at the end of 2008 lasted barely three weeks but in that short time 1,300 people were killed, 5,000 injured and 40,000 were driven from their homes.”

The medical supplies being provided by Islamic Relief include a wide range of essential drugs, including antibiotics and anaesthetics, and disposable sterile supplies such as tubing, surgical gloves, needles and syringes.  

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