Berapa ramai insan sepertinya? Tidak ramai.
Blogger ini seorang blogger fesyen yang dikenali dalam dunia Hijabista Malaysia. Sejak mula bertudung dan mengenakan hijab, beliau antara blogger fesyen muslimah yang dirujuk ramai. Beliau bukan sahaja muncul di akhbar dan majalah, malah pernah tampil dalam program WHI.
Beliau telah mula berblog sejak 2008. Merupakan bekas jurutera yang akhirnya menjadi penulis fesyen dan stylist. Telah melawan penyakit kanser leukimia sejak dari tahun 2010.
Al Fatihah Blogger Ami Schaheera dan Takziah Buat Keluarganya
"I found my place again in life; I started digging more into muslimah fashion and tried to modernise it without losing its modest quality. I worked as a freelance stylist, for numerous projects including Malaysia's own celebrity, Natasha Hudson's label, styled Shila Amzah for Hijabista magazine cover and was even invited to Wanita Hari Ini TV3's show as a stylist for the Jovian Mandagie raya collection. Life was peachy, really! 2012 was my year! I was busy again; I was invited to almost every fashion event possible in the city. Was featured in many magazines for my street style, as a blogger and for my story with cancer. I felt empowered; I was on my high horse running about town." - Ami SchaheeraBukan mudah untuk tampil kuat dan tabah dengan penyakit yang belum tentu memberikan kesempatan untuk hidup lama. Allah S.W.T lebih menyanyanginya. Redha atas ketentuanNya. Pastinya segala jasa ke arah kebaikan yang telah dicurahkan, dikongsikan dan diberikan kepada semua, in Sha Allah beroleh barakah dan kebaikan di sisi Allah.
Sedikit kisah hidup blogger Ami Schaeera yang dapat saya kongsikan kepada anda.
Without a doubt, I rejected their idea. For a few months I was living like a zombie, mourning my fate and pondering whether I still can fight this like I had before. There was nothing solid for me to grasp on to. Hope seemed too far along... I didn't get out of the house, I stopped socialising, I rejected event invitations and most social encounters, I binged eat myself on the couch, I was missing from the scene for a few months. Whenever someone asked I would avoid the issue. I told no one except my very close friends about my relapse. Which was so unlike me, the blogger who documented and told everything to the internet world.Buat mereka yang mungkin hidap penyakit yang sama, jadikan ini sebagai satu kekuatan untuk anda terus memberikan terbaik buat semua, terutama kepada keluarga dan masyarakat. Anggaplah masa yang diberikan kepada anda adalah satu anugerah Allah S.W.T menguji anda dan tahap iman anda, berat bahu memikul tidak sama dengan berat mata memandang.
I fell really ill in May 2013, after I came back from visiting my in-laws in Miri. I felt like my body couldn't recover by itself and every small sickness tortured me to no end. I was really afraid if this was the end of my journey. I chanced upon a good friend who turned me to naturopathy. I purged myself of toxins with detox, I did my own research and found out about people who have cured themselves from cancer through juicing and a very healthy diet of fruit, veggies and herbs. I went back to the basics, I re-wired my food philosophy which used to be "Live to Eat" to "Eat to Live". I bought a juicing machine, I banned sugar and fast food, avoided processed foods, and just ate fresh, phyto nutrient food brimming with anti-oxidants.
Slowly, my body fought through all the sicknesses, even though it took me a whole month to recover, but I did it! Without the help of chemical drugs, just simple pure fresh food. I thought I wouldn't make it, but having felt my body change to the better is like a miracle! The definition of white blood cell disorder itself is having supremely high quantities of white blood cells that causes your immune system to become weak and unable fight off infections! So there is hope, and up until this very second, I am still a firm believer and practitioner of 'food is medicine'. Every single day is a new day for me now, whilst I'm still breathing, it only means that God is still giving me a fighting chance. - Ami Schaheera
Blogger Ami Schaheera telah menghembuskan nafas terakhir kerana sesak nafas (akibat kanser) pada 26 Mac 2014 jam 1:29 pagi di Hospital Ampang.
Gambar Terakhir Ami Schaheera di Hospital Sebelum Dijemput Ilahi
Al Fatihah.
Dan antara kata-kata yang telah menarik perhatian saya - petik dari blognya ...
There, I've finally said it. My cancer is back for the second time, is probably still lingering around somewhere, or perhaps I've put it to sleep with my healthy diet regime. Who knows? The most important part is, I'm still here, I have not given up and I'm fighting... - Ami Schaheera
Kredit Foto dan Kisah:
BalasPadamAl-fatihah & takziah.
BalasPadamsalam takziah dari saya... Al-fatihah...
BalasPadaminalillah alfatihah
BalasPadam"Dari Allah kita datang, kepada Allah kita kembali."
Innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun. Semoga dia ditempatkan dekat dengan orang2 yang beriman.
BalasPadamZH Blogger
BalasPadamInnalillahiwainnalillahirajiun dan Al-Fatihah.... Semoga Allahyarhamah ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman... aamiin....
BalasPadamis this for real? mcm x percaya sgt! ade juga pasang niat nk jumpa si ami ni huhu, sedih plak rasa, moga arwah tenang di alam sana, Al-Fatihah
BalasPadamal-fatihah.. dapat dirasakan betapa sakitnya sesak nafas tu.. apatah lagi mnghidap kanser.. ;'( semoga roh tenang di sana..
BalasPadamsalam takziah dan al-fatihah...
BalasPadaminnalillahi wa innailaihirojiun... :(
BalasPadamAl fatihah dan salam takziah!
BalasPadamsalam takziah dan al-fatihah..
BalasPadamSungguh tabah beliau menghadapi semua rintangan tu. Kalau ena, ena pun tak dapat jadi seperti dia. Al-Fatihah. semoga rohnya berada dalam golongan orang orang yang beriman. Salam Takziah kepada keluarga beliau yang tersayang.
BalasPadamtakziah..hilang sorg lg penulis blog...
BalasPadamsalam takziah. Al-fatihah.
BalasPadaminnalillahi wa innailaihirojiun .. tp kan HH ,boleh tak HH delete gmbr2 ni .sbb kebykkannya xtutup aurat .kesian dia kat sana .terseksa
BalasPadamTQ ^_^
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